
Archive for January, 2016


Friday, January 1st, 2016

It is time to start fresh with new goals and to empower ourselves to grow in the New Year. As always, I set resolutions for myself. On the personal front, I plan on living each day with love, happiness and peace. I will carry a positive attitude that will get me through life. I am also making health a top priority, from eating healthy to doing yoga and Pilates every morning. 

I am also hoping to find a place to teach chair yoga, where I can share my love of the practice by showing that anybody can do yoga. As always, I will be dedicated to bring disability issues to light through my column, and I will also include columns about living your best life through my own personal experiences. I am also committed to my relationship with Sunshine Village, where I will continue to empower people with disabilities to be independent and find their own way in life.