Take The Pledge To End The R Word
One word that I absolutely hate is the word retarded. In the past the words retarded and mental retardation were used to refer to people with developmental disabilities. The word retarded also implies that people’s words and actions do not make sense. It can also mean foolishness and stupidity. Overall, the word retarded reflects negatively on people with developmental disabilities, affecting their identity, self-esteem and self-worth.
The month of March is dedicated to the campaign Spread the Word To End the Word where activities are focused around schools, organizations and communities where they encourage individuals to make a pledge to stop using the word retardation. The campaign has also hit the Internet with its own web page at http://www.r-word.org
In conclusion, many people really don’t realize how some words can be very hurtful to others and add to discrimination and stigmas. When we speak we should take the time to see and understand how our words affect others while making sure we are giving clear messages of respect.
March 12th, 2012 01:31
CARRIE, I so agree with you with every part of my being!!!