21st Century Yoga book review
Two yogini bloggers Carol Horton of http://www.thinkbodyelectric.com/ and Roseanne Harvey
Of http://www.itsallyogababy.com/came together to compile, edit and publish a book of essays. The topics range from yoga, cultural, politics. It was a fascinating read personally I always enjoyed hearing about some one own yoga experience because each one is unique and beautiful like the person and practice. In fact my favorite question to ask a yogi I just met is how did you find yoga. I feel we often get so caught up in what is yoga and the right way to do it that we forget journey and what we can learn from each other. Yoga has influenced my life personally to professionally. It has help create me as a woman, soon to be teacher writer and activist. Yoga is plain and simple an everlasting amazing journey. Check out the book at http://www.amazon.com/21st-Century-Yoga-Politics-Practice/dp/0615617603/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1359075678&sr=1-1&keywords=21st+century+yoga