
self Awareness

I absolutely hate it when people claim to know me better then I know myself. At times I have found it be offensive and insensitive. I remember being in school feeling very sheltered with everyone telling what my needs were. It wasn’t until after graduation I learned to take charge of my own life and needs.

Having self-awareness is the key to being independent. For me being my own person has always been my top priority. Over the years I have cultivated my self-awareness by being mindful of my mind, body and surroundings. I have also found that keeping a journal of lists of my strengths, weakness, interests, goals and my roles to remind of me what is important and focus is helpful.

My daily yoga practice has empowered me to advocate for my self and others with disabilities. Yoga is about unity and equality we are all beautiful individuals with talents and gifts. Yoga enlightens us to get off our mats inspired to share our love, truth and passion with world. Within yoga there are some key values to guide you through your adventure in life. One example is love and showing it to others and yourself. Another one is learning how to forgive yourself and others. The goal is to learn how to live and move on from the past with love and forgiveness. The third value is to always have faith in you, others and a higher power that everything will work out the way it is supposed to. The fourth one is to treat yourself and others equally and remember that we are all different and unique in our own ways. It is also important to always be honest with yourself and others.

With these values, self-awareness can be fulfilled with the following strategies, such as meditating to bring your mind to focus on what is important to you and what you want out of life. Another method is to be creative in how you want to achieve your purpose and goals. It is important to know your purpose, set your goals with an action plan and always dream beyond horizons.

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