I recently came across an article that completely shocked me. A South Carolina newspaper reported that during a town hall meeting their Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer made a very disturbing statement regarding welfare recipients: “My grandmother was not a highly educated woman, but she told me as a small child to quit feeding stray animals. You know why? Because they breed. You’re facilitating the problem if you give an animal or person ample food supply. They will reproduce, especially ones who don’t think too much further than that. And so what you’ve got to do is you’ve got to curtail that type of behavior. They don’t know any better”.
He later clarified that what he meant to say was that the government is allowing individuals to become too dependent on public assistance.
I truly believe that were all equal and should not be judged on race, gender, disability or economic status. We all deserve to treated with respect and love. Just because some may need more assistance doesn’t mean they are not smart or successful. What matter is what is in your heart and soul that makes you a success.
I have always practiced karma yoga, the action of helping others. There is not a better feeling you can get from making life better for someone. Even a small gesture can go a long way. As a society, instead of judging and making assumptions we should work together to improve the quality of life for every one because we are all equals.
check out my weekly column http://www.masslive.com/living/index.ssf/2010/03/first_friday_group_offers_support.html